Thursday, December 30, 2010

road trip 2k10! (part three/bluefield)

This is the last installment of the road trip 2k10 series! I thought Bluefield should have its own post because it is home to an intensely awesome painting that not many folks have seen. The painting is in a janitor's closet at Bluefield College, and it was done about 35 years ago by Earl Frankenfield, Sr. 
The story goes that Mr. Frankenfield, who worked in the maintenance department at the school, would work on the painting during his lunch break and whenever he had some down time. It illustrates and narrates the old testament of the bible in jewel toned images and hand-drawn text boxes.
At some point, the mural was partially destroyed when the school needed to do some construction, but the part that remains is really incredible!
Here it is...

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